El xatu de dos cabeces

Mañana cuando los mozos de la granxa atopen esta rareza de la natura, envolverán el so cuerpu en papel de periódicu y apurriránlu al muséu. Pero esta nueche ta vivu y nel campu norte cola madre. Ye una nueche de branu perfecta: la lluna risca p'enriba la güerta, el vientu nel prau. Y mientres observa'l cielu, hai el doble d'estrelles que de normal. Orixinal: Two-Headed Calf Tomorrow when the farm boys find this freak of nature, they will wrap his body in newspaper and carry him to the museum. But tonight he is alive and in the north field with his mother. It is a perfect summer evening: the moon rising over the orchard, the wind in the grass. And as he stares into the sky, there are twice as many stars as usual. Laura Gilpin